Sunday, June 29, 2014

My winter holidays

Hello Classmates!
 I´m going to tell you about my winter holidays. This holiday I think to travel to my house, Peralillo sixth region, because I haven’t seen my family a long time ago and I miss them very much. The truth is that I have not thought about what will I do on my vacation, but I would like to meet my friends because I have not seen them a long time ago, I think we should have a good conversation, go to parties and have a good time.
I think I will travel alone, and when I get home the first thing that I'll do is sleep too much, rest and eat delicious food. My grandmother is the best cooker in the world, she always prepares lemon pie, lasagna, cakes and more. I would also like visiting my uncles who live in the city, on july 20th it will be my uncle’s  birthday and the family will celebrate it.

I think my ideal vacation would be with my family in the south, visiting beautiful places, I would visit Chiloé because I do not know that city and my grandparent told me it was beautiful, I’d also like to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Villarica and Pucon once again, those are places that I love, but on the summer holidays, because on winter it is very cold.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Brazil and the World Cup

Brazil is a country located in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country. It borders Guayana Francesa, Surinam, Guyana and Venezuela to the North; Colombia to the Northwest; Bolivia and Peru to the West; Paraguay and Argentina to the Southeast, and Uruguay to the South. Its capital city is Brasilia and its largest city is Sao Paulo. Its total population is 201,032,714 inhabitants. Its official language is Portuguese and Catholicism is its predominant religion. The form of government in Brazil is a federal presidential republic, where the president is Dilma Rousseff.

 Lately, a series of protests have been occurring in Brazil due to the people’s discontent with the ruling, the Brazilian political system in general, the economic mismanagement, corruption and the rising taxes. But one of the most important reasons for people’s discontent is the 2014 World Cup, which they see as a waste of public resources because of the building of stadiums and the associated works in a country with major problems of education and health. I believe that making the World Cup in Brazil has been very harmful to the country since expenditures totaled 14.000 millions of dollars, an excessive amount of money for a country with so many internal issues. My prediction for the World Cup in Brazil is that Chile will surprise everyone, will leave out Spain and Brazil and will win the World Cup against Argentina, winning 3-2.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

An expert on my field that I admire :)

I love legal psychology. In Chile one of the pioneers in this field is my teacher Elias Escaff.

 Elias Escaff is a psychologist at Universidad de Chile. Currently he is Assistant Professor of Legal Psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile, since 1992.

Also, he is Professor Coordinator of the Unit of Victimology of the Regular Program for Training of Judges in the Judicial Academy, and Academic Director of the Masters in Forensic and Legal Strategy Intervention at Universidad Diego Portales.

 Professionally, he served in the Investigations Police of Chile PDI from 1971 to 2003, where he created the first victimology center of the country, the Center for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Abuse CAVAS.
 From 2004 to 2007, he was appointed Manager of the National Division for Victims and Witnesses.
 I like him because he is one of the most important legal psychologists in Chile and he is an eminence in this area. Also he is a great teacher, is very learned, and has extensive experience in teaching.